Let me introduce you to our longest attending student Michael Espinoza age 18. He is starting his 2nd year in the carpentry program. Michael came to us via the pastor of his church. He came with a desire to learn woodworking. We saw from the first day we met him that he truly had a desire to learn. He seemed to be sincere in wanting to change the path of his life.

Michael lives the farthest distance of all the students. He was commuting to school by hopping onto the bicycle of another student and sharing the ride; that student no longer attends. He now walks 45 minutes in the hot sun and occasionally in the rain. He had perfect attendance for the first 2 months of school. We have given him money daily to take the bus home each evening. Because of the effort that he has shown in his attendance and his participation in class, it is now time for him to receive bus fare for round trip transportation which amounts to about 25 cents a day U.S. You might call it an anniversary present from the school. He has been an exceptional student. Michael takes his work seriously and is precise in all the things he has created in the shop.

Michael's story is typical of so many of the boys in this country. He lives with his mother, siblings and extended family members. We have taken him home on several occasions and notice that they have an outdoor kitchen; meaning they cook over an open fire. The shavings and scraps of wood the students leave behind from their projects help to fuel that fire. He is basically quiet, but loves to join in on any of the fun or conversations going on in the group. He has a smile that will brighten a room. His mother has done an excellent job of parenting him, he is very polite and respectful.

During our initial interview when we met him, he was very honest with us. He said that he has used alcohol, pot and cigarettes. He was the only member of his household who attended church. In the year we have known him, he still continues to demonstrate honesty. Early on, their was a hammer missing from our supply. When the class was told that no one could leave without finding the hammer, Michael was the student who produced the "missing" hammer.

We've seen a lot of changes not only in Michael's physical appearance as indicated in some of the photos, but there have been big changes in him spiritually. There has been an increase in a hunger to know more about the kingdom and develop his relationship with the Lord. He enjoys Wednesdays when Pastor Jose comes to teach the boys more about God and His Word. Occasionally he has attended the evening services with us at Remar and fully participates in the worship. We love when short term mission teams come for a visit; all of our students receive the blessing of prayer and prophecy over their life.
Our greatest regret is that we cannot communicate more with Michael, our Spanish is SO limited. We've had the pleasure of Michael spending the night in our home a couple of times. I guess when you are comfortable with one another, language isn't really that much of a barrier.
Michael says he wants to have his own woodworking shop one day. He is acquiring the skills to be a very fine craftsman. We will continue to teach him principles of setting up his own business. There are tools that he has earned during the last year with more to come that he will be able to take with him when he completes his training. This will allow him to work for someone or start on his own with the basic tools. He is working on some projects that we hope to sell. We will split the net proceeds between the school and him. He loves the idea that his skills will begin to produce income for himself and be able to share it with his family.
We are extremely proud of Michael and his commitment to educate himself. We love having him in our lives and look forward to seeing the man evolve that God has called him to be.